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What does "climb on your back" mean?
inner muscle
Many "bedridden" climbers
Wasteful and injured!
a strong climberlooks bigger when you climb
Good climbers and strong climbers look bigger when they start climbing. It's not just about atmosphere.

Good climbers/strong climbers use their backs to climb, so when they start climbing, their shoulder blades move to the sides.

In addition, the inner muscles of the back and shoulders, including the infraspinatus muscles, develop and move,
The area of the back actually expands, and the rear figure becomes really largeIt is.

“When you climb ​ your back grows.” It can be said that climbers use the inner muscles of their backs and shoulders well.

If you use the inner muscles of your back and shoulders well, your shoulders will move more, so for example...

  • reach farther
  • can attract deeper

…these are the real benefits.
登山の整体院  院長 山田 隆

​When all else fails, something needs to change. My job is to help you with that. Please don't hesitate to contact us.

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